Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Facebook warning

The amount of idiots on Facebook talking shit is out of this world. Large numbers of clowns regularly threaten violence, use extreme racism etc and claim to be EDL. The majority of them weve never heard of or met at demos. I suspect loads of them are fake profiles, a lot more are genuinely thick morons. The majority of demo business is now conducted by phone and on Skype. My advice is get the f@ck off Facebook. It is literally a den of c@nts.
Leave it to the trolls and kids. The police have set up whole departments to monitor it and they regularly nick people for racism and threats. When two EDL members were served a ten year ASBO the police produced two ring binders with every word they had ever typed on Facebook as grounds for serving it on them. Yet still we see idiots talking about blowing things up and squirting pigs blood around. You people are fools and deserve no sympathy when you get arrested and banged up for two years for your stupidity. Weve got our top 500 people away from Facebook and we know they can all behave themselves at a demo. Thats all we need. Leave the morons to chat shit on Facebook and have endless incriminating arguments with equally thick cretins from UAF and MDL.
Advice over.
Luke Leeds Casuals

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